• 1 주문정보 입력
  • 2고객정보 입력
  • 3주문상세내역 &
  • 4주문완료


※Our normal business hours : Mon ~ Fri, 10am ~ 5pm Japan time / Closed Sat, Sun, Holiday.

※Please note that there might be a case to take two or three business days for us to respond to your inquiry.



  • 10000mAh 대용량 배터리
  • 3회 풀충전 가능
  • 고객님의 스마트폰도 충전이 가능합니다.

고장・파손 대비 안심보험 옵션도 있습니다.

보상율 고장・파손/


100% 0 엔

0 엔


50~80% 8,000 엔


20,000 엔


40,000 엔


40,000 엔



항공권 코드는 2~3자리 영문 알파벳과 3~4자리 숫자의 조합으로 구성되어 있습니다. (예,KE112)

(※Should be the same with Hotel reservation name / Your device is delivered under this name)

・Someone should be at the hotel for receiving your device. If there is no hotel front desk, your package will be not delivered.
Therefor please make sure that the hotel will receive your parcel at their front desk.
・Accommodation types such as below, there may be no front desk, so please be sure to check before order.

(배송주소가 불분명하거나, 배송시간대에 수령인 혹은 대리인 부재시에는 수령할 수 없으니 주의해주세요.)
( )
(You may also choose the delivery time from the following time slots)

・There are cases your parcel may not be delivered within your desired delivery time due to traffic, weather or other conditions.
・We are not responsible for Delivery Failure due to an incorrect / insufficient shipping address provided.
The person who will take care of receiving the WiFi during the delivery time should be there.
 It can not be dropped into the mailbox of your residence.

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